It is something you need, but you cannot ask for it. Itu kenyataannya. Respect, atau rasa menghargai, adalah sesuatu...
Self Help
Seperti yang kita tahu, negara kita adalah negara kepulauan yang sangaaaaatttt luas. Banyak orang yang bilang: “Ngapain liburan ke...
A little bird was flying south for the Winter. It was so cold the bird froze and fell to...
Today is Labor Day. And it is a custom for labors in Jakarta to do demonstration in public place...
I want to tell you a funny yet real story that I witness last week. Pagi itu gue sedang...
At first, I thought that I was not good enough because I didn’t get picked for doing some certain things....
Sudah waktunya kita mulai mengisi otak kita dengan sesuatu yang lebih berbobot. Daripada hanya menghabiskan waktu untuk menonton TV...
We live our own little life But eventually, we found each other