Today is Labor Day. And it is a custom for labors in Jakarta to do demonstration in public place in this happy day. They are shouting, bringing out flags, and gathering in significant places around Central Jakarta.


Well, I actually pity them. Because, if they still doing this means that they still think this is the best way to address their concerns. By shouting as loud as they can! This might be a living proof of how deaf our government is or how silly our people is for still doing the same old things every year without knowing what they are chasing after.

Honestly I don’t know which is better, the labors or the government. But this is frankly a custom that we have to break: to not based our decision or to not think that the best decision is taken by which voice is shouting the loudest. A thousand men may shout the same thing. And bluntly it will seem right! Even though actually it is so wrong. Then whatever you shout about, it will still not justify your truthfulness, right?

So why shout? Why being so loud? Will it change anything by shouting the loudest?

I guess not.